So thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) for attaching an amendment to a bill that forced The Fed to disclose just how much money was loaned out and to whom. About 9 trillion dollars at .07 percent to GE, McDonalds, Verizon, Harley Davidson and a bunch of other companies many of which were not hurting financially and with no strings attached. Not much can be done now, they've got the money and they are sitting on it, not hiring, not building new factories, just giving the big bosses a bonus and investing overseas. It's a shame that they couldn't have helped the middle class with that kind of dough.
Speaking of the middle class, the Repug thugs just voted to let the Tax cuts expire for those making under 250,000. Their complaint being they didn't want the top 2%, the wealthiest in the country, to have their taxes go up 3% on anything they make over a quarter of a million dollars. Also the Repugs blocked any more extensions for unemployment insurance. So if you're lucky enough to have a job, your hours are being cut, your wage frozen at a low rate and you'll pay more in taxes. If you're out of work your unemployment checks will be drying up. Merry Christmas ??
Then there's Senator John Kyl (r) from Arizona who's blocking a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia and the US. Because he's taken a lot of money from the weapons industry and he's also wanting a tax cut for the wealthy. He's standing in the way of reducing nuclear weapons in both countries so he and his buddies can line their pockets.
The rich and powerful people and large corporations have run (ruined) this country for a long time. They used to kind of operate behind the scenes to at least give the impression that the citizens had a voice.They want you to believe if you work hard you can have a comfortable retirement for all your years of hard work and being a honest and good American. Well the curtains been pulled back and these crooks don't care who sees them. They know they have control over the paid off politicians and they can run things however they want. Social Security and Pensions are being eyed by these vultures as well. Screw the little man! That's there motto.
Sorry for being on such a downer, maybe next time I'll write about another goofy time in my younger years. Take care , Bob of the boat
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