Saturday, January 15, 2011


   So yesterday I was chipping at the ice in the driveway and thought of Sisyphus, a story from Greek mythology. Sisyphus had tricked the devil and avoided his demise. When he finally died at a ripe old age he found himself in Hades. Satan assigns him the task of rolling a large boulder up a hill only to have it roll to the bottom when he's almost to the top. Then repeat this task for all eternity...always pushing the boulder up the hill, over and over.
   I had been doing good with keeping the driveway, back deck and wood pile pretty clear of snow. We had a few good sized storms that were heavy with wet snow. The temperatures finally rose a little and all that heavy snow began to fall from the weighted branches making for a constant whumping sound on the roof.

   I thought "Oh I'll get to it tomorrow morning, I'm sore from shoveling right now". Big mistake. The temperature plunged that night and everything froze up. So as I pick at the ice in the driveway I thought of that old Greek story. No , I'm not Sisyphus, no my driveway isn't the hill and the snow and ice isn't the boulder that he had to push for eternity. Their are similarities though.

   My neighbor / tenant called out to me the other day as I was chipping away and said,  "You're really in your element, aren't you Bob". I laughed and said maybe I am. But my real "element" is something entirely different.....Waking up early on the boat,watching the sunrise. Start the engine,  trolling along the shoreline at a slow speed, lots of line out with my favorite lure tied firmly to the end, watchting and waiting for my pole to bend as I get a bite. Sitting on the back deck watching the eagles and osprey in their nests. The waterfowl as they glide across the glassy water looking for a fish breakfast. Fire up the stove to heat the water for Christy's morning coffee and cookies. Lucky and I have already had an early breakfast. As the day unfolds we go for several dips into the cool water and listen to music and get a dinner ready. Then it's  time for a game of Rummy and maybe a movie on the portable dvd player. Falling asleep looking up at the stars from the overhead windows in the v berth up in the bow of the boat. Now THAT'S my "element"!

   A long time ago my friend Doug and I used to say "If you want to dance you have to pay the fiddler".So maybe thats what its all about. I can't ski anymore so now I'm relagated to shoveling and chopping at the ice so I can enjoy my time in the sun come summer.Hhmm...
funny how things work out.

   Take care, Bob of the boat ...(in a few months anyway)

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