Well I knew it was only a matter of time. When I saw people bringing loaded guns to Tea Party rallies somebody would eventually take it to the next step and start killing people they don't agree with. The angry shouting at the town hall meetings, the signs upheld with threats of violence and a lot of people mad without really knowing what they're mad about.
The hate speech from Fox "News" as well as Limbaugh and others is partly responsible for this . They get people stirred up and then when something happens they plead innocence. I'm sure that's what will happen today, they'll condemn the killings and then call the gunman a loner
and a kook and they will wash the blood off their hands and start right back at it.
Sarah Palin has some answering to do as she put on her website a map with cross hairs on several locations around the country as being targeted. Names listed of politicians that voted for health care. One of those that was in the cross hairs was Congresswoman Gifford's who was shot in the back of the head yesterday along with several others in the crowd including a 9 year old girl that died as well as many others that were there to talk to there representative.
Those on the right will say that the Dem's and lefty liberals are guilty of the same tactics that they use. Not really. On the left you have people who are angry but you don't see them with guns at a public venue spewing hatred and threatening violence.
I believe in the right to free speech as well as the right to own a gun , but with those rights come responsibilities. Words have consequences and guns can be deadly.Both must handled with care and thoughtfulness. Several people on the public stage have said some really careless things involving guns. Sharon Angle when running against Harry Reid spoke of "Second ammendment remedies". Sarah Palin said "Don't retreat...reload", to name just a few.
My thoughts go out to the victims and their families. I hope this is a wake up call to those that promote violence to stop, but who knows maybe it will encourage them to continue.
Thats all for now. Take care, Bob
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